Customize your related posts in Blogger and Wordpress with nRelate

There are several widgets bloggers can use to show related posts with a thumbnail including the widgets on and LinkWithin.

Problems with Linkwithin

When I changed the name of my blog, there were two thumbnails with different urls. Please look this screen grab from my blog .

The articles are not related to the content, but they are still shown. On my article "Marlon Brando, l'Homme et le Mythe du cinéma" (Marlon Brando, the Man, and the Icon of Cinema), they were underneath several articles related to Michael Jackson.
I have found a very good widget that is customizable and fits the model to the template of your blog that is called nRelate. It can be used on Blogger and WordPress and Tumblr.

For more information on the plugin for Wordpress, please read : nRelate Related Content

Integrate nRelate on Blogger

Go to the website

Register an account and do not forget to validate the link that you will received by email.

Log to your account and go to your dashboard :" Install " and enter your blog's URL.
Then choose how you would like to display it:
Customize the widget

Go to Manage Setting

Main Settings
  • Chose how you would like to display thumbnails : text, or text only
  • Size of the thumbnail : 80, 90, 100, 110 (par default), 120, 130, 140 et 150 pixels

  • nRelate will display a thumbnail of a video or a image from the related articles (if you choose thumbnails)
  • If there is only text on your article, nRelate provides your defaulf image if the related post does not have a picture. You can choose to use your own image by entering the url of the image (for example, you can host it on Photobucket)

  • You can change or remove the default title for the related content box (ex. "You May Also Like -").
  • You can pick the number of related posts to be display is the plugin is between 0 and 10.
  • You can pick the relevancy of the result: low, medium or high. (I advice you to leave the choice on "low" so the widget will display more choices)
  • You can change the number of characters per line
  • You can change how deep into your archive you would like to go for related posts : hour, day, week, month, year
Layout Settings

Display or don't display the logo of nRelate

Advertising Settings

You can receive a revenue share from ad clicks generated on your blog. You have to sign up to the ad network of nRelate by following the instructions on the site to enable advertisements. In your dashboard you can choose the number of ad spaces and their placement on your plugin.

Partner Settings

Show related content of other blogs


nRelate provides some analytics of your widget (clicks, nRelate Click through Rate, widget impression views). You can read them on your dashboard (Reporting):


You can see the result on my article "Marlon Brando, l'homme et le Mythe du cinéma". As you can see on this screen grab, the widget shows related posts regarding my article on Marlon Brando.

The widget fits to the design of the blog.
(The purple link shows which has been read)
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to comment under this article.

This article is the translation of my blog in French Personnalisez vos articles similaires sur Blogger et WordPress avec nRelate.


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